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Reducing EAF CO2 Emissions Through Slag Analysis
This project aims to provide an easily implementable process in EAF steelmaking to supplement the goal for carbon-neutral steel by investigating oxygen injections, the majority of which is emitted as CO2. Acknowledging that EAF operations are a finely tuned process and that they are unique due to the variation in input materials, technologies, operating procedures, and products, the goal is to use chemical reaction models to justify frequent slag analysis as a means to indicate if an EAF is able to reduce oxygen injections while still achieving its desired product quality, thus reducing CO2 emissions.
Quantum Zhuo | Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Petrus Pistorius | Carnegie Mellon University
Reducing EAF CO2 Emissions Through Slag Analysis
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Session: Environmental: CO2 Reduction Track: Environmental Date: 5/8/2024 Room: A224/225 Presentation Time: 08:30 AM to 09:00 AM