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Carbon-Negative Ironmaking Using Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Gasification
This paper details initial investigations of fast pyrolysis bio-oil (bio-oil, or FPBO) as a reducing agent for a potential direct reduced ironmaking process. Using an entrained flow gasifier, FPBO was gasified producing syngas that was passed through a heated pellet bed for 90 minutes. Pellets were reduced, achieving partial metallization. These results are promising, given that the system did not contain a gas looping system, which would raise the gas reducing power. Process design considerations are noted, as are major challenges with this alternative reductant.
Dr Brian Jamieson | Charm Industrial
Jake Wilkins | Charm Industrial
Grace Connors | Charm Industrial
Subodh Adhikari | Charm Industrial
Victor Silva | Charm Industrial
Peter Reinhardt | Charm Industrial
Carbon-Negative Ironmaking Using Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Gasification
Paper and Presentation
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Session: Direct Reduced Iron: Reductants & Ores Track: Direct Reduced Iron Date: 5/6/2024 Room: A122 Presentation Time: 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM