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Temperature Measurements of Slabs in Reheating Furnaces From Radar Measurements
Optimized heating of slabs in reheating furnaces leads to energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gases. Slabs in reheating furnaces are considered as large thermometers. The thermal expansion and strain of the slabs is used to calculate their temperatures. UWB radar is used to measure the strain with an accuracy of ±0.2 mm/m and to determine the temperature with an accuracy of ±20°C. A project at SSAB shows that radar sensors can be placed outside (charging zones) and on the furnace (throughwalls). A radar-based feedback system creates an independent system and enables increased digitization as well.
Patrik Ottosson | Radarbolaget
Jonas Engdahl | SSAB
Temperature Measurements of Slabs in Reheating Furnaces From Radar Measurements
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Session: Hot Sheet Rolling/Energy & Utilities Track: Hot Sheet Rolling/Energy & Utilities Date: 5/7/2024 Room: A124 Presentation Time: 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM