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Scale-Free Furnace: A Step Toward Decarbonization
The scale formation in a reheating furnace depends on the O2 content at high temperature, and the permanence time inside the furnace chamber. Since both the steel temperature and permanence time are parameters that depend on the process, the only way to reduce scale formation is decreasing the O2 content in high-temperature zones. For this reason, Danieli Centro Combustion studied and already supplied scale-free furnaces, capable of operating in reducing atmosphere, and with complete safety. In addition to scale formation, this technology also reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions compared to a traditional walking beam furnace.
Mrs. Elisa Salamone | Danieli Centro Combustion
Mr. Andrea Biliotti | Danieli Centro Combustion
Mr. Alessandro Venanzini | Danieli Centro Combustion
Narayan Raut | Danieli Corporation
Scale-Free Furnace: A Step Toward Decarbonization
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Session: Hot Sheet Rolling/Energy & Utilities Track: Hot Sheet Rolling/Energy & Utilities Date: 5/7/2024 Room: A124 Presentation Time: 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM