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High-Temperature Electrolysis Integrated With Direct Reduced Iron Process for Producing Low-Carbon Steel
High-temperature electrolysis (HTE) of steam is one of the most energy-efficient techniques for producing hydrogen. Coupling the process with a direct reduced iron (DRI) plant can help the steel industry lower its carbon footprint by using the low-carbon hydrogen as a reducing agent and fuel, instead of synthesis gas derived from either natural gas or coal. The present study aims at predicting the future performance of an integrated DRI plant via process modeling and simulation. As a result of this integration of HTE, the CO2 intensity of steel production is significantly reduced.
Dr. Romuald Coupan | SLB
Fabien Cens | SLB
Capella Festa | SLB
Arthur Delamare | SLB
Omar Navarro | SLB
High-Temperature Electrolysis Integrated With Direct Reduced Iron Process for Producing Low-Carbon Steel
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Session: Direct Reduced Iron/Decarbonization: Transformation Track: Direct Reduced Iron/Decarbonization Date: 5/7/2024 Room: A122 Presentation Time: 03:00 PM to 03:30 PM