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End-to-End Techno-Economics of Fluidized Bed Hydrogen Direct Reduced Ironmaking With Pilbara Ores
Fluidized bed hydrogen direct reduced ironmaking (FBH₂DRI) of Pilbara and other Australian iron ore is evaluated via end-to-end techno-economic process modeling. Costs and performance of beneficiation for upstream gangue removal are contrasted with electric arc (EAF) or electric smelter/basic oxygen furnace (BOF) for downstream gangue removal. The trade-off is large tailings waste versus heavy energy and flux costs for smelting lower-grade DRI. Results show that FBH₂DRI-smelter-BOF steel made with low-grade ores is a significantly competitive pathway versus FBH₂DRI-EAF, requiring less beneficiation in optimized routes. Repercussions for the market viability of alternatives ores are examined.
Alireza Rahbari | Australian National University
Ms. Shabnam Sabah | Swinburne University of Technology
Mohammad Shahabuddin | Swinburne University of Technology
Joe Coventry | Australian National University
Dr. Geoffrey Brooks | Swinburne University of Technology
Dr. M. Akbar Rhamdhani | Swinburne University of Technology
John Pye | Australian National University
End-to-End Techno-Economics of Fluidized Bed Hydrogen Direct Reduced Ironmaking With Pilbara Ores
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Session: Decarbonization: Iron Ore Quality Challenges Track: Decarbonization Date: 5/7/2024 Room: A114/115 Presentation Time: 04:30 PM to 05:00 PM