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Implementation of Vertical ASRS for Steel Tubular Bundle Products
This presentation delves into the successful implementation of a vertical high-bay ASRS tailored for steel tubular bundle products. In this facility, manual handling of bundles is entirely eliminated. Internally, every storage maneuver operates in a fully automated manner, ensuring both heightened storage efficiency and operational safety. The system's attributes encompass its remarkable storage capacity, punctual just-in-time shipping capabilities, prevention of product damage, and the comprehensive safeguarding of personnel during routine automated operations. Pivotal facets underpinning the implementation process will be discussed.
Ed LaBruna | Janus Automation
Implementation of Vertical ASRS for Steel Tubular Bundle Products
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Session: Cranes I Track: Cranes Date: 5/6/2024 Room: B240/241/242 Presentation Time: 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM