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Robotics Systems for Dross Removal on Galvanizing Lines
Robots are widespread in most industrial sectors and relieve operators from cumbersome, repetitive and sometimes harmful operations. In the steel sector, the implementation of human-robot cooperation is hampered and slowed down by harsh environmental conditions in some applications, as well as by intrinsic difficulties of some operations, which require a combination of force and precision and need to be supervised and acknowledged by technical personnel due to strict safety regulations. This presentation will showcase robotics systems as a solution for dross removal on galvanizing lines.
Mr. Gianluca Maccani | Polytec USA
Dr. Ion Rusu | Polytec SpA
Rafael Jacob | Polytech USA
Robotics Systems for Dross Removal on Galvanizing Lines
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Session: Galvanizing: Line Challenges Track: Galvanizing Date: 5/7/2024 Room: B233/234 Presentation Time: 04:00 PM to 04:30 PM