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Shearing of Advanced High Strength Steel with HXT Treated Knives
As AHSS grades have become more prevalent, more finishing-line shear knives for both steel strip and steel plate have become much less capable of maintaining their historic throughput due to a drama􀀁c decrease in edge life. To address this problem, the ASKO HXT edge-treatment technology that was originally developed for pickle line side trimmers, has recently been adapted to the fracture mechanics of shear knives. Successful in-service trials have shown that straight shear knives treated with HXT edge technology are now able to significantly exceed the knife performance of standard knives when shearing AHSS strip and plate materials.
Brian Shaw | Andritz Metals USA
Shearing of Advanced High Strength Steel with HXT Treated Knives
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Session: Cold Sheet Rolling: Ultrahigh-Strength Steels Track: Cold Sheet Rolling Date: 5/6/2024 Room: B232 Presentation Time: 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM