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A New On-Line Scrap Quality Prediction System for Improved Raw Material Optimization During EAF Steelmaking
A new on-line model is presented to calculate various characteristics of the raw materials used in EAF steelmaking. Quality- and cost-related raw material characteristics such as copper content and specific electrical energy consumption of each scrap material are critical information to reduce the number of out-of-specification heats while reducing costs through multi-parameter raw material optimization. Such optimization must include not only material cost but also parameters such as chemical composition, specific electrical energy consumption, melting yield, bulk density, CO2 emissions, metallurgical reactions, and others to enable cost-optimized and sustainable production, which are be presented based on actual production data.
Dr. Stefan Griesser | qoncept technology GmbH
Dr. Robert Pierer | qoncept technology GmbH
Dr. Sebastian Michelic | qoncept technology GmbH
Robert Michelic | qoncept technology GmbH
Jan Piskernik | qoncept technology GmbH
A New On-Line Scrap Quality Prediction System for Improved Raw Material Optimization During EAF Steelmaking
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Session: Electric Steelmaking: Scrap Track: Electric Steelmaking Date: 5/8/2024 Room: A120/121 Presentation Time: 08:30 AM to 09:00 AM