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Improving Steel Production Efficiency Through Better Slag Monitoring
Steel meltshops face increasing demands due to the rising use of secondary raw materials and DRI/HBI. Methods established for decades are becoming less reliable for maintaining stable processes and proper slag composition. To achieve the required FeO yield, long-lasting refractories and efficient, reliable slag monitoring is crucial. When no heat is like the other, conventional slag analysis methods fall short. This abstract presents an effective solution using OES technology for slag analysis, cutting down analysis time and effort by a factor of 10. That allows for more samples to be analyzed accurately in-situ, leading to improved steel production efficiency.
Mr. Alexander Schlemminger | QuantoLux Innovation GmbH
Improving Steel Production Efficiency Through Better Slag Monitoring
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Session: Electric Steelmaking: Refractory & Slag Track: Electric Steelmaking Date: 5/7/2024 Room: A120/121 Presentation Time: 03:00 PM to 03:30 PM