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Optimization of the Melting Process of an Electric Arc Furnace by On-Line Offgas Measurement
An often-neglected process step in electric steelmaking is the monitoring of offgases from the electric arc furnace, although such monitoring brings enormous potential for process optimization. Precise knowledge of the gas flow and the CO2/CO ratio enables operators to control the melting process sustainably and efficiently. PROMECON developed a non-extractive, real-time and drift-free measurement method that makes exhaust gas analysis at the electric arc furnace easy. The digital measuring system provides measured values in real time and thus enables very short reaction times. The consequences are high savings in energy and higher steel quality.
Hans Georg Conrads | PROMECON process measurement control GmbH
Optimization of the Melting Process of an Electric Arc Furnace by On-Line Offgas Measurement
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Session: Electric Steelmaking: EAF Efficiencies & Improvements I Track: Electric Steelmaking Date: 5/6/2024 Room: A120/121 Presentation Time: 03:30 PM to 04:00 PM