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Reductions in EAF Electrode Consumption Through the Use of Ceramic Coatings Using a Fully Automated Spraying System
ITC Coatings and EAFab trialed ceramic coatings on EAF electrodes. During this trial, consumption was reduced by 25–30%. Reduction in consumption reduces electrode costs, reduces maintenance and downtime/delays, improves conductivity of electrodes and increases number of heats. Applying ceramic coatings greatly reduces consumption, prolongs life and increases the number of heats monthly due to fewer delays required to add electrodes during production. Increased electrode life and decreased downtime required to add electrodes using ceramic coatings will allow steel producers to be a low-cost provider of quality steel and supply product on a regularly scheduled basis to manufacturers.
Greg Odenthal | ITC Coatings
Pedro Quiroga | EAFab Corp.
Reductions in EAF Electrode Consumption Through the Use of Ceramic Coatings Using a Fully Automated Spraying System
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Session: Electric Steelmaking: EAF Efficiencies & Improvements I Track: Electric Steelmaking Date: 5/6/2024 Room: A120/121 Presentation Time: 02:30 PM to 03:00 PM