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How Digitalization Can Work as a Tool to Predict the Generation of NOx in Waste Gas Chimneys of Steel Plants
The steel industry is intensive in the consumption of resources and energy and presents significant emissions of pollutants. Several factors influence the generation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which include, among others, the flue gas temperature and the composition of the fuel. This paper presents a study on the influence of process parameters on the formation of NOx during the production of steel in electric arc furnaces and shows how a digital tool, embedded with data-driven models, could be used to control the critical parameters and decrease the formation of NOx.
Paula Pomaro | Vetta Digital - SMS group
Kassio Cancado | Vetta Digital - SMS group
Alexander Costa | Vetta Digital - SMS group
Ana Carolina Rocha | Vetta Digital - SMS group
Dr. Lis Soares | Vetta Digital - SMS group
How Digitalization Can Work as a Tool to Predict the Generation of NOx in Waste Gas Chimneys of Steel Plants
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Session: Environmental: Emission Controls & Regulations Track: Environmental Date: 5/6/2024 Room: A210 Presentation Time: 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM